Rants and Raves – a social mixer and open house

Political Action Committee General, Political Action

Interested in kicking back to kick off your reading week? Meeting fellow members of the flying squad, or mingling with other politically minded folks?

The Political Action Committee invites everyone to join us for a fabulous and free evening of live music, dub poetry, local art, and a potluck dinner!

Wednesday, February 16th, Wentworth Lounge (next to the Phoenix), doors open at 6:30pm

Performances will include “BaNanny Republic”, a new spoken word piece by Joyne Lavides and Roberto Lavidez,

and music by “The Human Race”

Food provided, but everyone welcome to bring a dish they want to share.  Cash bar available at the Phoenix.

Need to know: The Wentworth Lounge is not accessible.  We appologize for maintaining this barrier, and we invite you to let us know if you have any concerns.