Pay Increase for Postdoctoral Fellows

Brad WalchukUncategorized

As you know, Unit 3 members voted to ratify the tentative agreement from November 27, 2019, in December 2019. One of the changes in the Agreement is a pay increase. You will see an  increase in one of two ways:
i) Members whose anniversary of the commencement of their appointment falls on or after November 29, 2019, will receive a 1% pay increase starting on the anniversary of their date of hire.  You can see the language regarding this increase on page 32 of the agreement, available here:
ii) Members whose anniversary of the commencement of their appointment occurred between September 1, 2019 and November 28, 2019, will receive a $300 lump sum payment this coming pay (i.e., Friday, January 17th, 2020).  You can see the language regarding this increase on page 47 of the agreement, available here:
Please contact the Union ( if you have any questions regarding these increases/payments.
Finally, if you would like to participate in the decision-making process regarding Unit 3 benefits (i.e. the health care spending account and professional development fund) as a result of our contract negotiations, please attend our Benefits Committee Meeting on February 3, 2020, at 1:00 PM in  the Union Office (KTH B111).  The Union relies on your input and participation to determine the best possible use of these funds.
In solidarity,
Your CUPE 3906 Executive Committee